Tuesday, March 25, 2008


This is not my dog. If it was my dog I would be really happy and probably Lucy wouldn't get so sick so often and CERTAINLY the war in Iraq would end right away. If this was my dog I would name her Eileen or Delilah. If this was my dog, probably daisies would sprout up all over my yard and the sun would shine. Alas, this is not my dog. Isn't she cute though?


Risa said...

I want this dog if you don't want it (but I know you want it).

3GenerationsFarm said...

That was pathetic! :) Have I told you that she steals food off the counter? She is also quite gassy today...

Baseball_Lipgloss said...

*sigh* I sure would sleep so much better at night if that brave dog was living in our house. I think with all the crime in the big city us un-armed gals should have a dog to protect us. I mean, if we lived in a nice, safe smaller town...let's say Bemidji, we probably wouldn't have the same problem.

(the room-mate)

Melanie said...

No, that's okay....I'll take the puppy....if you insist!!!! Sherry you are right.....pathetic we all are....but so!!!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I have a dog named Delilah :). My daughter (who happens to look a lot like your beautiful girl--is she Oromo?) can't quite say her name yet, so "Ya Ya!" it is. We were driving to daycare this morning and "Hey There, Delilah" came on the radio and she sang along "Blah blah YA YA blah blah..." Dogs rock. You should get one!


3GenerationsFarm said...

Just an update on the dog....

Spent $225 at the vet today :) She had a grand mal seizure the other night and is now on Phenobarbitol. She also had worms coming out of her butt and needed a few shots for that. She also has Lyme disease. With all of these issues, she fits in well with our other 4-leggers. Still want her? ;)