Saturday, June 7, 2008

Saturday and the Living is Easy (in a tiring way)

Saturday started at the crack of dawn. Morgan came to spend part of the day with us while his family prepared for the afternoon wedding of Morgan's aunt Julie. I took the kids to an art festival which much to Lucy's joy had a petting zoo, a pony ride and mini-doughnuts (and it was right by Isaac, Nathan and Jacob's house). We then dropped Morgan off in the country (his granparent's house) and headed home. Lucy has been dreaming about setting up our little pool since about February and today her dream came true. The pool was still a little cold for full immersion but she had fun splashing around. We had a good day! Enjoy Saturday's montage.

1 comment:

Mama Papaya said...

LOVE the look on her face when she catches you catching her singing. MP doesn't really want to talk about the horses or the pool. Say hello to the sun for us.