Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The picnic!!!!

The summer Ethiopian community picnic is coming up! I am so excited to mix and mingle with folks I know, folks I kinda know and new folks. I'll be meeting Cathy and family in real life for the first time (if I didn't scare her with my semi-stalking phone call tonight). It's something to look forward to. Now I must get fever-girl to quit stoking the fever fires every few hours. Momma gets a sick day tomorrow (after having a vacation day Monday), whew what a LONG work-week!! Here's to hoping Lucy makes it through the night with no big fevers.


Mama Papaya said...

Lucy, good health now! No messing around.

Wishing I was there.

Mamato2 said...

Lucy, you stay well, now. I've told you before that scaring your Mama is not cool, pretty girl! :)