Join us for our daily adventures as we navigate life together as an adoptive family of two.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Defiance ...
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
too tired
Friday, June 27, 2008
'twas the night before the picnic
and the party was just getting started .... Lucy and I crashed the dorm room pool party. We didn't have a room, decided to save money and drive the 8 miles but Mel and Morgan had a room (they live like 13 miles away) and we felt that we could join the pool party. We had a lot of fun even though the pool was about 30 degrees below zero. Lucy was the one asking to be done swimming (that's is a huge huge indicator of how cold that pool was). We swam, we snacked, we socialized and most cool of all ... we met Cathy and her family! We are totally ready to rejoin the group tomorrow morning and meet even more people.
And now it's Friday ...
babysitting rules: controlled chaos
I think the week went by fast because I missed two days of work. Whatever the reason, I welcome Friday with big open arms and can't wait until "the bell rings" and I can zip outta work, grab my girl and start partying! We've babysat the boys for the past two nights. Last night was a night-night time challenge. 4 kids one adult two flights of stairs. Boys upstairs, Lucy downstairs and baby in arms. Everyone needed attention. Poor Jacob, having a hard time settling down would become roused every time I had to pop up to answer Lucy's cries or the boys random loud noises from upstairs. First Isaac, then Jacob then it's a debate over who fell asleep next. Come 9:30pm I was ready to put my feet up and have a couple brewskies. I settled for a caffeine free diet coke.
Lucy has started repeating what I say. It's pretty funny for now. I'll say "Lucy why are you so mad?" and she'll say "why are you so mad?" and I'll say "I am not mad, you seem mad" and she'll say "I am not mad, you seem mad" at which point I'll catch on that she's copying me (I'm not the brightest bulb on the tree) and she'll have stopped being mad and we'll play for awhile and move on.
Tonight for off for the pre-picnic swimming party and tomorrow is the picnic!!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
The picnic!!!!
The summer Ethiopian community picnic is coming up! I am so excited to mix and mingle with folks I know, folks I kinda know and new folks. I'll be meeting Cathy and family in real life for the first time (if I didn't scare her with my semi-stalking phone call tonight). It's something to look forward to. Now I must get fever-girl to quit stoking the fever fires every few hours. Momma gets a sick day tomorrow (after having a vacation day Monday), whew what a LONG work-week!! Here's to hoping Lucy makes it through the night with no big fevers.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Camping with the boys 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Summer Saturday
Friday, June 20, 2008
Friday night!!!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
The Story ...
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
The Dance
Monday, June 16, 2008
A Monday ...
Big eyes at the farmer's market
First I have to get it out there ... a good "blogosphere" friend lost her baby daughter on Saturday. Even here, in Minnesota the devastation of that loss is so intense I can barely even think straight. I can't imagine what baby Z's family is going through right now.
Having a child die just brings the other stuff in perspective. Like whining about Monday's, and having your 3-year-old daughter totally sass off every 5 seconds from morning til night ... I mean, it's hard to complain about that stuff when we are sitting here with the gift of life and health.
Also it reminds me to remember that infant mortality in Ethiopia is high and it's real and we in the Ethiopian adoption community have each been touched in some way by the statistics that we hear about every day.
We had a pretty good Monday, spent some time hanging in the pool after work, then headed to the Mall of America to get grandma her back massage, get auntie Jen her birthday gift and meet Uniqua the back-yard-again (plus ride the merry-go-round, eat dipping dots ice cream and run away from mom).
So about some of the photos. Lucy received one glove from her auntie Linda on Saturday, I mentioned it before ... a latex glove ... she has probably played with that glove more then any other toy in the history of her world.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Today Lucy and I spent the day at Mel's running the garage sale. Lucy was spicy in the morning, not wanting to listen, really wanting to run the show, she tempered after lunch and was pretty darn good the rest of the day.
After closing down the garage sale we drove like bats-out-of-heck to get to my cousin's graduation party.
Lucy was in heaven with two older (but still young enough to be fun) girls to play with. They tried to teach her how to do a cart wheel which she later called a "side ways wheel". Lucy had fun rolling around on the grass doing gymnastics with the girls. At the party she received the mother-of-all-gifts (not sure why I am using all the dashes today), a latex glove (you know, for food preparation - doctoring - diaper changing etc). Lucy wore that glove from about 6pm until I made her take it off at bedtime. She put the glove in a special place and I am 100% sure it will be the first thing she asks for in the morning. She is a doctor with that glove on, and gathered a lot of babies to "poke" with her doctor needle.
Please send sleepy thoughts, I would love for the first number on the clock tomorrow morning to start with a "7".
Friday, June 13, 2008
The past couple days
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
The Hopper
This morning the first words out of her mouth were "momma, the hopper bit me on the tummy", "the hopper have teeth" and on and on she went, even telling both of the cats about the incident.
She was very serious about "the hopper" but was unable to provide a description except that "it have teeth and it goes growl".
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
The morning after ...
Morgan was the only one who slept last night ... Lucy woke up at 5:15, and again at 6:15. I was up at 5:15 (and basically the rest of the night). Morgan woke up at 7, which I guess is early for him. He did great, gave Lucy a big hug first thing. Had a good breakfast, did a little dancing, had a little fight with Lucy and now it's time for me to go to work. Grandma K is on child-care this morning ... good luck! I hope grandpa gets here soon!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Tonight I have two ...
Kids. Mel took the huge gigantic leap of leaving her son for his first night away from mom, kissed him goodbye and went home for a giant sleep fest (and I imagine resting her arms and back, the boy is heavy). After and hour long rocking to sleep festival (which at least I know is normal for him) we have acheived peace in the casa de toddlers. I'll report tomorrow how the entire night went. I dont' think Morgan will appreciate me being the one to respond should he have any middle of the night needs, lets hope he just sleeps until morning and wakes with the refreshing light of day. I did get an opportunity to stare at his beautiful face for an hour as we rocked tonight. I think he has the most perfect lips on earth, the beautiful little bow on the upper lip and that perfect dimple under his nose. He handled the going to bed well ... at least he's at his home away from home on his first night away from his mom.