Many of you are all too aware of Lucy's referral story but for you newbies I must must retell. Three years ago at around 11 am I found myself sitting in the Children's Home foyer with my Ethiopia specialist watching her go through my dossier documents. She made sure all my things were in order and then clarified that I was indeed willing to accept a referral during court closure. I said YES I will. As I got up to walk away she said something like "I am not sure if there is anything upstairs or not". I didn't think much of it. I drove back to Minneapolis and gathered my co-workers Mel and Risa (Mel, who would travel with me and who would later travel to get her own son) to go out for a celebratory lunch. Around 11:45 while waiting for our food, my phone rang. I saw the "651" area code and became irritated. You see, while I was officially "waiting" for a referral I hadn't yet become excited about that possibility ... I was thinking, "shoot, must be something missing from the dossier".
I answered the phone. It was my social worker from CHSFS. She said "Is this a good time?". I was like sure. She said "I have a referral for a little girl". My heart stopped. She said "blah de blah de blah de blah" I was like "huh?". Social worker "blah ... 2 months old ... de blah ... foot deformity de blah de bla ... do you want to look at the referral?" Me: "yes".
I couldn't eat. I raced back to the office. Our internet was having problems. What the he**? We got it working, sort of. Refreshed refreshed refreshed ... no email. Call back "where's my baby?" Finally it comes. Slowly, slowly the file starts to open ... painfully slow.... the photo is ginormous ... I see some hair, a forehead an eye ... the phone rings. It's a teacher from my agency, she's at my client's house, the kids have been left alone, I must come out there. Sh** ... I tear myself away from the computer, leaving Mel in charge of getting it open and printing the photo. I go to my clients ... wait for the police to come, perform bad social work (I was a little distracted). Race back to the office. Mel has printed the photo larger then life because we couldn't figure out the file. So we tape her together, she takes about 8 pieces of paper ... and when we are finished I am running around with the huge poster of a babies upper torso. Hysterical.
I couldn't believe I got a referral in 45 minutes. I couldn't believe it was a girl. When I applied you could choose gender. I remained open to gender. First I thought the surprise would be nice and 2nd I wanted a kid ... and didn't need a girl vs boy. Generally speaking being open to gender means you get a boy. Lucy's early wardrobe might indicate that I assumed she'd be a boy.
I was floating for weeks. So excited, so in love ... so ready to go get her. I memorized ever stinking detail of those photos.
I love this story. I'll never tire of hearing it.
I remember that day sooooo well. We were sitting there while she was on the phone....and figured out pretty quick that, holy crap, this was a referral!!!!! I was in shock and on edge and she wasn't even MY baby!!!! Once I say her picture, I knew she was the most beautiful girl - and I couldn't believe that I was going with to Ethiopia to pick her up. Stacy was soooooooo excited and soooooo in shock that she didn't even eat her burger.....it was a fabulous day all around!!!! Stacy was gonna be a momma and I couldn't have been more excited for her!!!!!!
I remember you calling me and having absolutely no information and being in a complete exciting daze. It was a fucking amazing day!
Tee hee hee, I remember the larger than life photo too!
Love it! You running around with a giant makeshift poster of Lucy! Too adorable! Happy 3 yrs together and here is to many, many, many more happy years together.
Happy Day!!!
aww- just lurking about- but I am so glad i am- what a heart warming- tear jerker of a story.
So SOO LUCKY! she is just perfect and so precious.
She looks to be close in age to my three year old daughter- what a wonderful age too hey?
thanks for sharing you story with the www
Such a joyous day...and I was so thrilled to be part of it! risa
That's such a fantastic story. Congratulations, Stacy and Lucy! (oops - spelled Stacy's name wrong the first time around...)
Awwww, shucks. What a cool goose bumpy story. I love it. And your montage of bringing Lucy home is the best I have seen. Geesh, waited 45 minutes for referral! Funny!
I love this story and the ginormous Lucy!
Just a lurker delurking to say....AWWWW! Thank you for sharing your incredible story with us - friends and strangers.
Does Lucy have a foot deformity? Is this something you've had taken care of or was it minor? I'm interested because I've been thinking of adopting SN.
I love this story! I hadn't heard the part about the huge poster before - that is too funny!
Ha Ha! That cracked me up about the super-sized-pasted-together photo of her! What a great and sweet story. Thank you for sharing. :)
The photo should've been a pretty good forewarning about her personality. Look at the fierceness in those biceps and determination exuding from her face.
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