Monday, July 28, 2008

Waiting ...

A little reflective posting here ... I know several people who are waiting waiting waiting to travel to their child. I feel their pain so well, I remember it so well that thinking about it can easily bring back pangs of anxiety, fear and helplessness. Certain parts of this process are so out of our control and it's hard, it's hard to sit back while your child waits another day, week, month, season to be in your arms. It's hard when your know your baby is sick. It's hard knowing that you are RIGHT HERE waiting to give full attention to your babe.
so my waiting friends, i have no words of wisdom to offer you, you've been there before, waiting to travel and knowing it'll happen when it happens is of no comfort to you. I'll try to hold on to time here in Minnesota (they grow too fast) and speed up time to those west and southwest of here (and wherever you wait).
and it must be said ... the pain of the wait is sure a pain I would love to feel again.

Here's a photo I received while waiting ... from July 9 until October 24 ... This is the photo that got my anxiety all up ... see her sunk in eyes ... she wasn't doing well here. The report was terrifying and she was so far over there and I was so far over here and there was nothing I could do but wait ... wait ... wait ...

1 comment:

Josh, Amy, Olivia, Josiah, Girum, Tarikwa, and Taye said...

AAARrrrrhhhhgggg....Thank you for posting this message! Been struggling myself this past couple of weeks. It's wonderful to look at your waiting picture and then scroll up to see your beautiful big kid and get a glimpse of the hope for rounding out our family.