Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Night two - progress

Trying NOT to get my hopes up too high here but Lucy slept in her bed all night and at 7:15 is still sleeping. She woke up and needed a little intervention at 4 am, all I did was turn on hall light and open her door. I couldn't fall back to sleep but at some point she did!!!! I can't wait for her to wake up so I can tell her how incredibly proud of her I am. Blogger won't let me post photos uggg.


Baseball_Lipgloss said...

I think that rocking night deserves a couple Hop-Hops (gummi's.) Way to go Lucy!!!

Mamato2 said...

That's awesome!! Don't get discouraged if it goes well for a few nights, then you have one or two bad ones. If you are consitent, it will eventually be ALL good :) Go Lucy!

Anonymous said...

I so want you to get some rest! I think you're doing this in a very conscious, loving way -- and it's going to be fine. Yay Lucy!!

Anonymous said...

So happy for you! Not to discourgae you, but the other mom is right, there may be setbacks, be it in a few days or even in a few months (especially if you go on vacation and it's a new or different setting), but hang in there you're doing what's best for all of you! Good job Lucy, we're all proud of you!

Mama Papaya said...

Catiously yaying for you. Keep up the good snoozing Lucy.