Tuesday, July 21, 2009

OK OK one more post ...

So a couple weekends ago I left Lucy's hair down for the weekend for a break from the binders. Lucy loved it down but obviously hates having it combed out. Every morning we would wet it with our sprayer water/conditioner combo and comb it out and she would complain and I would say, "let's just put it back in braids" and she would scream NOOOOOO I like it shaky, I like it down. Finally, it was enough of the torture. I mean, I like to let Lucy have some control over her hair etc but clearly my 4 year old was making a painful choice.

so my super stellar parent tip for today revolves around how to convince a very opinionated slightly oppositional 4 year old to get her hair back in braids ... follow my conversation:

scene... sitting on her stool watching Monsters Inc. Me spraying and combing.,

MOM: "Hey Lucy, you know, I am really glad that you want to keep your hair down"
Lucy: "why?"
MOM: "because I was worried you were going to ask me to put it back in braids and THEN you would look so old, practically like an adult and well Lucy I prefer you to look like a little girl. So I am SOOOOOOOO glad that you just want to keep your hair down and get it combed out every day."
LUCY: "mom, um ... i think i want 4 braids. "
MOM: "oh no, no braids ... I want you to look little"
MOM" "sighs ... Fine fine fine, I'll do braids but I am only doing 4 quick braids, I am NOT going to do more, it woudl take too long and you are too little to sit that long"
LUCY: "do a lot mom. do a lot"
MOM: "fine, fine then but if someone hands you car keys you have to promise to say that you are too young to drive, I don't want people thinking you are a grown up "
LUCY: "laughts, ok mom"

ps: coco princess ... the no more tangles doesn't work well for us either (aside from getting her hair wet enough to be easier to comb through)! actually none of the premade sprays or detangling shampoos really work. do you have any products that really work? our best bet is warm water and conditioner in a sprayer bottle or having her lay in the tub with her hair out and i comb it under water.


veggiemom said...

I love that attack! Good work mom!

Bokstavsbarn said...

Hahaha Sneaky mom!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lucy's Mom, I never left a comment but I always enjoy reading your blog. I found yours and many adoptive families blog by accident while I was searching about my country and got hook to it. I'm Ethiopian woman with very very thick hair. I wash my hair with moisturizing shampoo and rinse. I then apply extra moisturing conditioner and let it stay on my hair for about 15 or 20 minutes and then comb and style. That may be difficult to do a kid's hair but it does the trick. When I first arrived to America I used to relax my hair to make it softer but the chemical totaly damaged my hair. I have to say though, you already doing an amazing job on your daughter's hair and I don't think you need any tip from anyone.

D said...

Careful...you sliding the slippery slope. Soon enough all of your parenting will be like mine. Egads!

Kristy said...

Hysterical I gotta start using that reverse stuff

Something Like Normal said...

That is too funny. My daughter is only 9 months old, but I think her hair may be like Lucy's when she gets more of it. I've been following your blog for my entire process. Thanks for sharing. - Ali

Gracie's Mom said...


Jebena said...

Okay, see, I was wondering if it was just me living the "Hair-Twilight-Zone" but alas, Mimi, the Anonymous poster has proven that I am sane!!!!!

My only tip, keep it moisturized---but like the Anonymous poster said and I piggy-back, "I don't think you need any tip from anyone" you and Miss Lucy "Got This!"

I love your convo with Miss Lucy, I tell you, you two need your own Reality TV show. LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

Great tip. However, you stillclearly must have this...

jayme said...

hilarious. diane's influence is clearly far-reaching!

as for haircare products, we are on a mission to find the best ones. i like the main & tail detangler, and whenever qhemet biologics restocks, i'll try their detangling ghee (i loved their previous detangler...)

i also just bought a bunch of stuff from jane carter solutions, and i absolutely love it! i got it at whole foods, so i also really appreciate the fact that it's available locally.

i love izzie's hair down (i think she and lucy have very very similar hair texture), but the detangling the next day is such an ordeal that it's rarely worth it...

Tami Tripp said...

Love this...someone told me they do that to their teen daughter when she comes down in a "too reveling" outfit...Honey I LOVE your outfit! She runs back up the stairs and changes.

Jamie Wilkerson said...

LOL I love the way you got her to let you put braids in. Classic reverse psychology! She's beautiful! Kudos to you and thanks for sharing this amazing blog.

Samantha said...

Try detangling when the conditioner is still in the hair, then rinse. That way all the tangles will be gone when you style it. I hope this helps, i remember the days of getting my hair combed I hated it cause no one knew how to do it (im mixed black and white). Make sure to keep it moisturized as well but you seem to be doing a great job!!! She is so cute!!!