Well as expected. The day went from being about me (anxiety, worry) to being about Lucy (pain, fear, anger) real quick. She held her own mask as she went under, once again I had a mini-breakdown leaving her asleep in the room. Thankfully she had used all her charm on the anesthesiologist right before she went out and he swore he'd take real good care of her. The surgeon came in about 40 minutes or so after she went under, he thought the surgery went well. Ten minutes later I could hear her in the recovery room SCREAMING, and yelling MOMMA. I paced, I fretted, I went to the hall ... I flagged down a nurse and said "that's my daughter, I want to be with her". She checked on Lucy and said "she's fine, that's just how they are when they start coming out". 20 more minutes passed, hearing her scream on and off I was about to flip out when the nurse came to bring me in to Lucy (the normally get them woke up and bring them to recover in the other room). I sat in there with her for a long while, rocking her as they gave her oxygen to perk her up. She calmed down with a little BonJovi "Living on a Prayer" I believe it might be a rare post-op lullaby that I subjected the surgeons and nurses to. Finally they came and said that she would possibly be spending the night at the hospital and they wheeled both of us to the short-stay unit. Lucy perked up fairly quickly down there. A couple movies, a couple hits of codeine, several ounces of chocolate milk and they let us go (we're only 10 blocks from Children's Hospital (where the procedure was done) should we need to go back. A couple hours after getting home I wake her to give her her pain meds (per instructions) and she flipped out. She started talking funny, drooling and was in obvious pain. I wanted to go back. I made her drink a couple ounces of water and Jen and the dog entertained her and now she's sleeping again. We'll do it again at 11pm with the meds and the liquids and then I will fall asleep with her. It's been a long day. I forgot to take ibuprofen with me to the hospital so my head was about to explode by the time we got home. It's better now. I just hope that we can manage Lucy's pain during the night and the next several days.
It's done. I imagine relief will set in after these next 24 hours. I sure hope she recovers without any issues. I hope you recover some rest and peace.
I can't imagine how exhausted you must feel. I'm so glad that the surgery went smoothly, and will be keeping you both in my thoughts over the next couple of days. Hoping you get some rest tonight, mama.
I am so glad to see the surgery is done. I hope Lucy feels well quickly!
So happy for the update. My refusal to join Facebook also applies to Twitter, so couldn't check in. Sounds like an exhausting day. I hope to goodness you all get some sleep tonight and that Lucy's recovery is better than expected. Thinking of you.....
Thanks for the update. I've been thinking about Lucy all day.
Glad it all went well. Sending pain-free, healing thoughts your way.
Glad it's over. Hope her pain is managed with the medication and you are both able to sleep after an exhausting day.
Poor baby, hang in there momma. I'll be praying for you guys to have a restful night.
You're a champ!
Yea! She came through, and she'll be fine. It's okay, mama. It's okay.
I am glad that this is over and Lucy is home and on the mend!! Sending prayers your way that the recovery goes well.
YEAH the worst is over. Surgery DONE. Soon she'll be back to her roller-skating, cleaning glove wearing self.
Thinking of both of you and REALLY glad Lucy is fine. (I am a lurker from the Forum, under the name acaringsoul.)
I hope the day went better...
So glad everything went well. I'm hoping you two are able to sleep well tonight.
This made me cry...I feel so bad for you to have to go through this with Lucy. Poor Lucy, how scary for her.
I just found out this week Ben will need surgery when he is 9 months old. Not looking forward to any of it.
I hope you are all better soon.
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