Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Lucy has had such a difficult time at dropoff these past few weeks. I feel so bad. This morning it started before we even left. I was helping her get dressed (she let me help her this morning) and talking about our day. Her lip stuck out and tears started welling up in her eyes "no school, stay home momma, I cry momma". Maybe deep down she senses that in my heart I am a stay at home mom and I would love nothing more then to take her out of daycare and stay home to teach her during these early years.


Nancy said...

And I'm sitting here wishing M was in a program as I am feeling completely overwhelmed and undernourished.

LISA said...

Ok, this made me cry. Then silly me had to go back and look at her video from when you picked her up in ET! Wahhhh!!!

Mamato2 said...

Is there no way at all to get the best of both worlds? Maybe work part-time? I ave no idea if it's feasible, just wondering- poor both of you. I go back Feb 1st and am seriously physically sick if I let myself think asbout it too much!

Annie said...

OH, you're breaking my heart:( How I am afraid of those days!

From reading your posts,I know that you are doing a great job! You are always so incredibly involved with Lucy.So beautiful to see. Thinking of you!

Beth said...

I am with you. I would give up my job in a second if someone would pay me to stay with my daughter.

Cindy said...

Oh, yeah, do I know this feeling! We have a wonderful nanny some to our house, and though I only work 3days a week, it's really hard on the boys, especially B & S. They love her and vice versa, but all the transition times of somebody leaving and somebody returning at the same time is pretty stressful on them. Sucks big time. BTW, BIG kuddos to you single moms, you have all my support and awe because sometimes us mamas get a little cukoo!

Cindy said...

Malia'a mama, you're so Canadian! Don't you know that Stacy would probably lose her health insurance if she cut her hours by very much? :)