Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Sick ... sick... sick...

It's been awhile since I have posted. Lucy has been hella sick. My poor munchkin. She has had this stuffy/runny nose along with sleep apnea for what seems like ever, brought her in to the pediatrician on Thursday. She was dx'd with inflammed adenoids/tonsils and referred to a specialist. She was also put on amoxicillan for sinus infection. On Saturday she came down with a high high fever 104.5. We went to the ER. They said it was a virus. From Saturday until Monday night her temp went between 101-104.7. It didn't go below 101. We went to the pediatrician on Monday. They did some blood work, the blood work confirmed it was a virus. Chest xray was normal. Ears were getting infected, antibiotic was changed. This morning she didn't wake up with a fever. Knock on wood it stays down. My mom is home with her until 12:30 this afternoon when we swap it up and I get my baby back and she goes to work. Lucy is not leaving the house until next monday. The inflammed adenoids creats a sponge for viruses to set up home. I am making myself wait until 9am to call home and check on her. 8 more minutes. I miss the little toaster oven who has been attached to my chest/lap since Saturday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hope Lucy is feeling better soon...it's so exhausting when they're sick...talk to you soon. risa