It took me by surprise the first couple times but now I get it. Honestly the very first time she said it I believe we were stopped on a corner where prostitution runs rampant and I was pretty upset over how she knew this term and to apply it. Then I saw the santa. Now she calls Christmas lights "ho ho lights" and will say "ho ho's coming". It's hard to stop her. I am starting to think about ho ho's a lot. Christmas is going to be so fun this year. After Thanksgiving, while Lucy napped my parents help me decorate the house (except the Christmas tree) so that Lucy could be greeted by lights and ho's upon waking. Her first words "Thank you momma, thank you grandpa, thank you grandma" ahhhhh Lucy you're too cute!
Z and Lucy must be on the same brainwave. 2 days ago he called a bungee cord a hooker. "Mom, I want a hooker!" he yelled, when he saw another kid playing with one. Geesh.
Isabela called the hooks you use to hang ornaments on the Christmas tree hookers until last year. We thought it was too funny to correct her, but realized it was time that she used the correct term considering she'd just turned 10...:-)
Did you read that in Australia they have banned Santas from yelling out "Ho Ho Ho" saying it is politically incorrect and offensive! geesh! So keep Lucy away from there, k? :)
gotta love the ho's!
Classic!!! She's such a cutie, by the way!!
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