Lucy got off the waiting list for our #1 choice of public schools!!! I swear it's because 1st the cosmos wanted me to accept and be excited about our #2 choice AND it's also possibly because just yesterday grandpa and auntie/uncle went shopping and bought all the school supplies off of Lucy's kindergarten checklist (these supplies may or may not pertain to the new #1 choice school).
So I got the phone call in the middle of a Friday afternoon 3 hour community collaboration meeting (a lot of odd coincidences, one being, a woman in that meeting happen to be at a meeting with me months ago when I got the letter saying Lucy didn't get a kindergarten spot at that school, and this womans kids go to that school)... anyways, got the call ... accepted the position and proceeded to not hear a single word anyone else said for the last hour of the meeting.
Why am I so excited???
1. 14 kids in each class, it's K-8 and there is only one class at each grade level
2. it's a social justice focus
3. every one who i have talked to who's kids go to this school or who have been americorp vista volunteers at this school have amazing things to say about it.
Let me provide you with some quotes from their website:
a small urban K-8 program that meets the needs of a culturally and ethnically diverse population by engaging children in critical thinking and problem solving, involving children in political and social activism
We focus on a social justice curriculum that teaches students to be independently-minded citizens who respect themselves and others. Our commitment to civil rights and social justice has fostered a curriculum that develops children who are leaders in their communities and the world.
Our goal is to create a learning environment that reflects our values:
•Freedom from racism, sexism, classism, homophobia and cultural biases
•An opportunity for educational excellence regardless of income
•Involvement in issues of social justice
•Diverse cultural identities are honored
•Our community as an extension of our classrooms
•Community members are encouraged to participate in our programs
Just had to share!!! I am very excited about this opportunity, and while I was 100% ready and willing to switch Lucy whenever they had an opening at this school (even if it was mid school year) I am so very thrilled that she can begin her public education here.
Oh and more good news! Lucy totally rocked at Kuk Sool Won tonight. Even her teacher came up to praise her.