Saturday, January 8, 2011

Good Clean Mud Fun!

Today we made "clean mud".   Lucy thought of it because she has been helping the preschool team at my work prepare for their own clean mud making.  She thought it would be fun to do at home.   I agreed.  Lucy had fun.  Lucy had fun off and on for about three hours today, which in turn meant I had fun. 

Have a sensory seeking kid?  Want to feed their need?  Want a little tutorial?

 First rip up 1-2 rolls of toilet paper into small pieces.

                                                       Next grate 3 bars of Ivory soap.  According to my coworkers
                                                      you can use any bar soap.  We went with Ivory because that's what
                                                      the directions said.

After you grate the soap, mix the soap and toilet paper together.
Add hot water, a little at a time, mixing by hand until you have
a mud-like consistency.

                                                              Play and squish away!  Lucy loved this.
                                                       She squished and slopped her way up to her elbows.
                                                       It was splatted around a bit but was pretty easy to
                                                      clean up.

If you have friends stop by, they might not be able to resist
the squishy fun.   After a couple hours we added a small amount
of color and blended some more.

After dinner we continued squishing. 
Lucy had fun, I had a break ... 

1 comment:

StefB said...

I've never seen anything like that! I could just see getting that all done and my daughter using it for 2.5 minutes. :) I'm glad Lucy thoroughly enjoyed it. We'll probably try it at some point, so thanks for the idea.
