Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Power of Facebook (or the amazing village I am a part of)

So earlier this week this mama bear got all riled up.  Lucy has been having some issues on the school bus. She is on the bus for one hour every morning from daycare to school.  I've always felt bad about her having such a long ride before a long day of school.  A couple weeks ago Lucy got into trouble for spitting on the bus. The details from Lucy are fuzzy, although normally Lucy will tell the truth even if the truth doesn't exactly 'set her free'.  All I know is that both Lucy and the staff at her school reported that the driver was really mean about the incident and unnecessarily rough with Lucy. 

So my radar went off when Lucy asked me rather randomly if I drooled when I slept.  "Why do you ask Lucy?"   Her eyes dropped and tears welled up in her eyes "I fell asleep on the bus today and I drooled and I think the driver is mad at me that I spit".  During this conversation she also let it out that some of the kids (k-8th grade) on the bus are mean to her.  The next morning during drop off some kid makes a remark about Lucy being there, my strong sassy girl immediately shrunk back against a wall and those tears started welling up again. UGH. 

at 7:26 that morning I posted this:  "Does anyone know anyone in s.Minneapolis that can provide before school childcare.from 7:45 till around 930ish? Lucy is struggling with an hour long bus ride and i'm struggling with her sadness" on my facebook page.

and at 9:57 the same morning I got this reply "Where do you live Stacy? Believe it or not my kiddos don't start until 9:40 so it might work..."   um. thanks Heather!   Lucy now will spend her two before school hours at a home with a family I know and respect. 

and because I've been a photo taking slacker lately, here is an oldie but goodie.  Lucy and her future husband Wendim. 


Mama Papaya said...

Sniff, sniff. Wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Having taught in early childhood for many years, I say you can't underestimate how much the stress (of even a decent bus ride) can add to a young child's day. It's another whole layer to their day and depletes their reserves in ways not always immediately evident. Bravo for identifying a solution. My guess is that your daughter's teachers will report a lift.

Jill said...

I'm so glad to hear that you found someone!! I'm struggling what to do with my M next year when she changes from private to public (45 minute bus ride). There are so many things out of our control.

Is the bus driver being held accountable? I would have gone off. Glad you don't have to deal with that anymore. Big hugs, Lucy! The sassy, spunky ones are also the most sensitive ones (I see these same qualities in my daughter).

D said...

So, if you'd just move 5 hours SW, we'd have before and after school care for you. AND a pancake puff pan.

I can arrange for a yardful of dirt turds if that will nudge you.

PS- Hurray for axing the bus ride.

Kristen said...

Oh my gosh, I have tears in my eyes! Poor poor Lucy :( Children are so brutal these days. And it's so hard when you are trying to get the details from them with something like this too... I have a preschooler who has a strong dislike fro one of her teachers and I'm trying to figure out what is really going on before I make a big stink.