Tuesday, January 25, 2011


It's only Tuesday.  I'm missing my girl when I am at work so I thought I'd put some photos up so I can check on her during the day.
 ok so technically this is not a photo of Lucy.  Had to put our little guys up too, Nathan and Jacob were rockin' out the other night ...
 a little light reading. 
looks comfy

 getting unpacked at school.

sweet snuggles with our pup.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Roller Derby

Where have I been all these years???!!!   Yes, we found a new activity together.  Love the Roller Derby, Lucy does too.  She ROCKED the derby, totally engaged. 
It was MN Mascot show-down pre-show.  Lucy loved the mascots!

 She especially loved the pink pig mascot from the saints

 she met tons of roller girls. 

 watched the mascots play a mean game of musical chairs

 watched intently

 snuggled auntie jen

 snuggled mommy

 watched a bout

 talked ice cream with the leprechaun

 danced her butt of at the half time show

and like a good dessert, she ran into a paramedic, and scored a pair of doctor's gloves

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Time to face reality ...

It's winter in Minnesota.  We will not survive if we just stay inside wishing spring to come our way.  Must get kid outside.  You know, better yet, find some money and get the kid to a warmer climate!

Another way to get the crazies out

The clean mud is a great way to get a sensory seeking kid to calm and sit for awhile!   These moon shoes???  They'll get your kid bouncing, walking, balancing and falling.  Great fun but not for the anxious-type caregiver!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Good Clean Mud Fun!

Today we made "clean mud".   Lucy thought of it because she has been helping the preschool team at my work prepare for their own clean mud making.  She thought it would be fun to do at home.   I agreed.  Lucy had fun.  Lucy had fun off and on for about three hours today, which in turn meant I had fun. 

Have a sensory seeking kid?  Want to feed their need?  Want a little tutorial?

 First rip up 1-2 rolls of toilet paper into small pieces.

                                                       Next grate 3 bars of Ivory soap.  According to my coworkers
                                                      you can use any bar soap.  We went with Ivory because that's what
                                                      the directions said.

After you grate the soap, mix the soap and toilet paper together.
Add hot water, a little at a time, mixing by hand until you have
a mud-like consistency.

                                                              Play and squish away!  Lucy loved this.
                                                       She squished and slopped her way up to her elbows.
                                                       It was splatted around a bit but was pretty easy to
                                                      clean up.

If you have friends stop by, they might not be able to resist
the squishy fun.   After a couple hours we added a small amount
of color and blended some more.

After dinner we continued squishing. 
Lucy had fun, I had a break ... 

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

It's been a long time since I've posted.  I guess we've been all mixed up with being on vacation and having all of these fun holidays.  Whew.  Slowly winding down and dragging our feet as our real life resumes in just 2 days.  We had a fantastic Christmas!

                                       We went to church and learned how to make krumkaka and lefse.

 Lucy rolled the lefse gentle and thin.

                                                 Had some nice naps and snuggles with Zep.

                                 Santa gave her a banjo ukelele for Christmas, exactly what she asked for.

                       Lucy took advantage of the time off of kindergarten to get her medical degree.

                                  She got a real cooking set from Auntie Barb and has used it every day.

                         Grandma got a new puppy and Lucy is thrilled to be able to carry her around.

 We went on our annual sled ride to Jakeenos.  New sleds and a fine coating of slippery ice made the trip smooth.
Lucy got a tent from Auntie Deb and Uncle Dennis, she has slept in it every night!  Tonight Azazel joined her.